Thursday, June 22, 2006


Sunset Mode in Digital Camera

The sunset mode is another picture mode in digital camera, which enables you to capture the beautiful colors of the scene of not only the sunset but also of sunrise. Seasoned photographers sometimes opt for the program mode itself or the night scene mode with fill flash to achieve the results they yearn for in the image of a sunset. Here again one's imagination and creative thought play a major role.
However, you can just follow a few guidelines to help you and easily get very fine results in the sunset mode.
You should keep yourself at a position fairly high enough where you get a good view without other elements of distraction. A total view of the sun may be preferred for sunrise but a view of glitter ten minutes after sunset may make a fine shot. It cannot be just the view of the sunrise or sunset that matters. An apt inclusion of the skyline, an impact of dark clouds, a reflection of sun in water or other reflected effects in the foreground alone shall make that a piece of art. Your lookout should be to capture a dramatic blend of the above image with a rich variety of colors also.
You should then ensure that the sun is down below in the sky to the extent of 10 to 15 degrees above the horizon if the sun is not bright due to a cover of clouds a slightly higher position of the sun in the sky may also be considered for a capture. You should compose the scene to ensure that the sky is highlighted to the greatest extent possible.
Number of shots of the same scene will have to be made at short intervals of time keeping the optical zoom at the maximum zoomed in position. The EV compensation setting should be kept at -1.0.
Every sunrise and sunset offers you a new opportunity and your shot at anyone early moment of sunrise or final moment of sunset may give you very brilliant results.

Monday, June 12, 2006


Portrait Modes in Digital Camera

Portrait Mode

Digital cameras have a built in portrait mode to capture digital images of people with a sharp focus of the person in the foreground and in contrast a slightly softer view of the background which exactly means that a limited depth of field is effected. Hence, in this mode the camera opts for a wide aperture to minimize the depth of field. The automatic flash of the camera will also get set to' auto + red eye reduction' mode to reduce the phenomena of red eyes caused by the reflected light of flash in the subject's eyes.
An informal photograph of a friend or a member of the family can be created with very high quality in portrait mode if certain guidelines are followed.
For taking a good portrait, indoor light supplemented by your flash may not be sufficient. Choose early morning or evening and then select a location where the sun will be behind and at one side of the subject. This arrangement combined with your flash will be an ideal lighting set up for your portrait mode.
You should keep the optical zoom at maximum position and take a step closer towards the subject if necessary and compose your shot with head and shoulders of the subject emphasizing the subject’s features to the greatest extent .The portrait will appear nice when the composition gets closely packed within the frame.
A candid mood has also to be created with the subject before you take a shot. The person or persons should feel at ease and keep up a natural disposition. You can also start conversing with them with a blend of humor and capture a shot at the opportune moment.

Self-Portrait Mode or Timer Mode

In self- portrait mode as it is generally called, a timer gets involved to see that the picture is taken after a lapse of time when the shutter release button is pressed. The mode enables the subject to set up the focus first and then capture his own image or include himself in a group. The timer gets engaged when the shutter release button is pressed fully and the timer lamp lights up for about seven seconds to display the count down. The subject has to place himself in position during this time interval. The picture is taken approximately three seconds after the timer lamp starts to blink.
Focusing will get disturbed if the camera is moved when the timer has already started functioning.
This mode can be considered as a timer mode for all purposes.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Macro Modes and Flower Mode in Digital Camera

Macro Modes
Most of the modern digital cameras have a macro mode to capture the image when the distance to the subject is approximately 18 cm. to 50 cm. and a super macro mode to capture the image when the distance is 6 cm. to 20 cm. Two leading manufacturers have specified the macro mode of their latest versions as 1cm.All these cameras have flower icons to indicate the macro mode and super macro mode as focus mode functions in a menu list. This functional mode is generally used to capture images of flowers, coins
butterflies and jewels. These features for close-up photography enables photographers with creative instinct to enlarge their imaginative vision and step up their caliber to produce masterpieces of art. Continuous effort with patience is however required to acquire expertise to lead them towards that end.
Flower Mode
Now a distinct flower mode itself is additionally available as a picture mode in the mode palette with a broad petal flower icon. This mode allows you to change the default settings for EV compensation, saturation, contrast, sharpness and white balance to suit your needs. But, flower photography is still a challenging task since it is difficult to reproduce exactly the beauty of color and intensity of details that give life to that creation of nature.
The photographer to achieve success in this creative pursuit should always keep certain guidelines in mind.
Avoiding direct sunlight is always advised. Use of flash should be after a careful thought. A backlit situation is generally considered to be ideal for translucent petals of flowers. Side lighting in the early morning and late afternoon also can be chosen. But in cloudy days when lighting is more even without shadows you can have ideal shots.
Use of a firmly positioned tripod is a must. Fast shutter speed is also necessary .In case of dark colored flowers a bit of under exposure is advised. Likewise an over exposure should be opted for in the case of white flowers and flowers of light shade. .
Use your imagination and capture the image of the flower at different angles and with different artificial backgrounds. Holding a plain colored or grained surface plastic sheet or anything else of your choice can create an enchanting background. You can also wait till a humming bee or a colorful butterfly sits over the flower and spreads its wings. Well thought out composition with shadows and reflections may bring forth a great capture
In a pitch-dark night also, you can capture the image of a flower with flash and the results may be stunning!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Picture Modes and LandscapeMode In Digital Camera

Picture Modes

The green mode of the camera may serve you well in many situations by automatically focusing on a distant landscape scene.
When you want better results you can select the program mode or the basic capture mode and select infinity or infinity-landscape in the focus functional menu. But every landscape situation is unique. Cameras sometimes find it difficult to focus distant objects and in low levels of light. To ensure fail-safe sharpness in such situations modern digital cameras offer you a landscape mode itself in the mode palette.
This mode is one among those exclusively classified as picture modes. Other picture modes generally offered are flower mode, portrait mode, self- portrait mode, sunset mode, food mode, pet mode, text mode, sports mode and surf snow mode. The default settings on EV compensation, saturation, contrast, sharpness, and white balance on anyone of the above picture modes can be changed by you to suit your needs. You should refer to the manual specific to your camera for the provisions available.

Landscape Mode

The landscape mode provides support to capture the natural colors of scenery in parks, waterfalls, mountains and many things, that abound in nature. Any time of the day can be your choice for landscape photography except noon on a bright sunny day. But fine captures can be ensured between 9 A.M and 3 P.M. It should be the pursuit of the photographer to spot out locations where cloudy shadows and streaks of sunshine intrude and provide elements of lavish beauty in the complex blend of nature. Multiple shots tried with different angles will you give you unexpected results. It is a general practice to include clouds at the backdrop or a person in the foreground. That enables the scene to reveal the magnitude of what is seen.
Use of tripod is generally preferred for landscape photography. Use of wide angle in zoom lens may bring in more elements of the scene in your capture. But, it still depends on what exactly are the details of your search for.
You may also have to utilize all the potential available in the editing software to create dramatic effects in whatever you have captured in the landscape mode.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Panorama Mode in Digital Photography

Modern digital cameras have made taking panoramas nearly an easy task. Dedicated panorama cameras are very costly but every digital camera has a panorama mode that lets you take multiple wide images with overlap and these images are joined precisely to form a single panorama picture using the specific software supplied along with the camera. The process of joining is generally referred to as "stitching".

A tripod with a panning head is required for the camera when panorama mode is selected. How shots should be stitched is also to be selected. It could be from right to left or top to bottom or the other way. When you start shooting it should be from the far left or right or from far top or bottom corresponding to the selection.
You should keep the camera at level and at the same spot till you complete the entire sequence of shots.

After you capture the first section of the image you should lock the white balance and exposure settings to ensure that the same settings are used for the subsequent shots. You should then turn the camera by 30 to 40 degrees in the selected direction for each subsequent shot till the entire scene is captured. The minimum over lap of each image in the sequence is 30% and the vertical alignment should be kept at less than 10%. If a distinct object were included in every overlapping section, it would be easier for the editing software to precisely identify the section to be joined

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Night Scene Mode in Digital Camera

Photography after sunset is no longer a challenging task. Neon signs or street lamps and brightly illuminated buildings or areas under focus lights form fine targets to capture during night. Modern digital cameras have a distinct night scene mode to capture such scenes and other rare moments in life with dramatic results by choosing appropriate settings. The dominant guiding factor here is long exposure and use of a firm tripod. But certain technical limitations do exist which can be overcome by proper understanding of number of other factors that lead the photographer to experiment and gain experience.

Imagine that you capture a night scene in green mode. The flash will light up only the objects in the fore ground and provide a good exposure for them. But the distant background will be shady and dark. The night scene mode adopts an exposure taking into account whatever illumination is available in the background leaving the flash to take care of the foreground. Fine captures can also be obtained when you use night scene mode at dawn or dusk.

Still you may get some poor results. High levels of noise and lack of details and depth may cause frustration. Planning well earlier after a study of the distinct conditions of a scene is a must. Different combinations of length of exposure and increased aperture may have to be chosen for the relevant condition. Number of shots with an exposure for each combination may have to be patiently taken.
The fact that increase in exposure time reduces noise and increment in aperture results in higher depth of field will have to be borne in mind during this stage.

A full moon day is an advantage for night scene photography. It helps to reduce the exposure time. The depth of field may also get extended. On other days the degree of intensity of light available on a particular day has to be considered. The length and nature of shadows cast on objects by moon in different positions are to be studied since they may affect the exposure and produce harsh results.

You should always remember that histogram could never guide you in night scene mode. Use of optical zoom should also be avoided in this mode since it could cause camera shakes.


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