Saturday, June 10, 2006
Macro Modes and Flower Mode in Digital Camera
Macro Modes
Most of the modern digital cameras have a macro mode to capture the image when the distance to the subject is approximately 18 cm. to 50 cm. and a super macro mode to capture the image when the distance is 6 cm. to 20 cm. Two leading manufacturers have specified the macro mode of their latest versions as 1cm.All these cameras have flower icons to indicate the macro mode and super macro mode as focus mode functions in a menu list. This functional mode is generally used to capture images of flowers, coins
butterflies and jewels. These features for close-up photography enables photographers with creative instinct to enlarge their imaginative vision and step up their caliber to produce masterpieces of art. Continuous effort with patience is however required to acquire expertise to lead them towards that end.
Flower Mode
Now a distinct flower mode itself is additionally available as a picture mode in the mode palette with a broad petal flower icon. This mode allows you to change the default settings for EV compensation, saturation, contrast, sharpness and white balance to suit your needs. But, flower photography is still a challenging task since it is difficult to reproduce exactly the beauty of color and intensity of details that give life to that creation of nature.
The photographer to achieve success in this creative pursuit should always keep certain guidelines in mind.
Avoiding direct sunlight is always advised. Use of flash should be after a careful thought. A backlit situation is generally considered to be ideal for translucent petals of flowers. Side lighting in the early morning and late afternoon also can be chosen. But in cloudy days when lighting is more even without shadows you can have ideal shots.
Use of a firmly positioned tripod is a must. Fast shutter speed is also necessary .In case of dark colored flowers a bit of under exposure is advised. Likewise an over exposure should be opted for in the case of white flowers and flowers of light shade. .
Use your imagination and capture the image of the flower at different angles and with different artificial backgrounds. Holding a plain colored or grained surface plastic sheet or anything else of your choice can create an enchanting background. You can also wait till a humming bee or a colorful butterfly sits over the flower and spreads its wings. Well thought out composition with shadows and reflections may bring forth a great capture
In a pitch-dark night also, you can capture the image of a flower with flash and the results may be stunning!