Monday, March 27, 2006
Quality Level in Digital Camera
Quality Levels and recorded pixels are related to resolution. Resolution on
a specified quality level refers to the number of pixels or dots per inch in an
image. Digital files of photographs (also video and sound files) are a collection
of pixels. In a digital image, transition from one color to another color is formed
by a series of very small blocks of dots.
Digital Camera Resolution is measured in mega pixels.
Quality Levels
The image compression ratio decides the quality level. In the format with lower
compression, a maximum amount of image forming elements is saved to ensure
color fidelity and clarity. In higher compression format some image forming
information is lost while the file size is shrunk.
You choose the image compression ratio while you choose the quality level
The BEST quality level which is normally indicated by a 3 Star icon, has the lowest compression
ratio. This level is suitable for large A4 size prints.
The BETTER quality level which is normally indicated by a 2 Star icon, has a standard compression
ratio. This is suitable for photo prints or for viewing images in a computer screen.
The GOOD quality level which is normally indicated by a single star icon, has the highest compression
ratio. This is suitable for attaching images to e-mails or creating web sites.
Recorded Pixels
You can choose the number of recorded pixels also. As you know already, the more
pixels there are, the larger the image and bigger the file size.
For printing post card size prints 1024 pixels in 1024 x 768 format is sufficient. 2 mega pixels
in 1600 x 1200 format and 3 mega pixels in 2048 x 1536 format will give a finer image.
For use in web sites and e - mails 640 pixels in 640 x 480 format will be the choice.
But, you require 4 mega pixels in 2304 x 1728 format for printing A4 size or larger prints
and for editing and processing images.
If you have to print images with high-resolution settings, 5 mega pixels in 2560 x 1920 format
should be the choice.
Keep in mind that higher quality levels and larger number of recorded pixels produce
clearer and finer images for printing but results in increase in data volume and
decrease in number of pictures that can be taken.